Main Menu
Last updated
Last updated
The top header of the screen shows "User Rank," "Stamina," and "Zenny (Paid Zenny / Free Zenny)" in possession. Clicking on the "+" button opens the Game Marketplace.
Selecting a button on the right side of the screen will display each screen and function as follows:
Arena: 3 vs 3 PvP battle - Aim for the top in the card battles!
Adventure: You can challenge the adventure mode (PvE), which drops items needed to upgrade your heroes and weapons.
Lootbox(Gacha): You can roll lootbox for various items including non-NFT heroes, weapons, and upgrade materials.
Team: Enter Team screen where you can form your parties and equip heroes.
Upgrade: Enter Upgrade screen where you can upgrade your heroes and weapons.
Inventory: Enter Inventory where you can see heroes, weapons, lands, goddesses, and items in possession.
Mailbox: You can check announcements and gift items from PolkaFantasy team.
Achievements: Rewards can be earned for achieving certain conditions in the game.
You can access the Game Marketplace, set options, access the official Discord, and exit the game, respectively.
In the options settings, you can set:
ãģSystem: Language / Screen Resolution / Display mode
ãģSound: BGM / SE / Character Voice
ãģBattle: Message speed / Text window transparency